
Federal & State Insurance Filings

Milepost offers federal and state filings to help you meet financial proof of responsibility requirements by federal and state governments.

Federal filings

Milepost Insurance offers the BMC-91 or BMC-91x federal filings for motor carriers registered with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). This filing serves as financial proof of responsibility to the federal government that you are carrying adequate insurance for the specific operations of your business. The amount of insurance you’re required to carry varies depending on how you file your authority with the FMCSA.

Common business types that require federal filings:

  • Interstate trucking companies hauling non-exempt commodities

  • For-hire trucking companies, whether “common” or “contract” carriers

  • For-hire passenger transportation companies

State filings

Some states require certain business types to provide financial proof of responsibility with a Form E Filing. Check with your state’s department of insurance to confirm whether or not your business needs a Form E on file. Milepost can provide Form E Filings to each state where it is required.

Common business types that require state filings:

  • Intrastate trucking companies hauling non-exempt commodities

  • For-hire trucking companies, whether “common” or “contract” carriers

  • For-hire passenger transportation companies

  • Truckers with oversize or overweight vehicles, trailers, or loads traveling in or through Ohio (OS-32)